When weeding out what to show your class in terms of video content it is important to realize a few things. Make sure that the resource is reliable, age and content appropriate and really teaching what you are wanting to teach. Sometimes due to these things it is just easier to make these thing  yourself. Here is my experience in exploring a ways to create my own resources.

Firstly I explored Screencastify. Through this application you can record your screen as you explore various pages. You can record audio and a video of yourself while doing this. In the editing portal you can edit the audio and video, as well as make marks on the actual footage. Here is an example of a provocation that could be used in a grade 3 science lesson exploring ecosystems.

Secondly I explored Audacity. This is an application to make podcasts. This application was a bit confusing to download and utilize. Unfortunately my computer server did not support the application which could be an issue for some students. It is an interesting tool to use in the classroom and a fun way to engage students as podcasts are really in right now.

Both of these tools area way to extend the inquiry style of teaching that we heard about last week. The screen clip could be a starting point and then students individually or in small groups could then make a podcast talking about their findings through the inquiry process. It could be a different form of assessment as the end product is more of a spoken thing rather than a written or presented product as inquiry projects often are.